GCH CH Moonstruck Double Bubble, CA, RATI, RATN

DOB: 2/09/2013


L2-HGA and HC Clear By Heredity 


JJ 8-15 1

JJ 8-2015



Pedigree of Moonstruck Double Bubble
Moonstruck Double Bubble Moonstruck Blue Asher Moonstruck The Stamler Express Ch Yankeestaff Blue Moondance
Yankeestaff Cupid’s Arrow
Yankeestaff Moonstruck Moment yankeestaff benjamin blue
Yankeestaff Patty Marie
Moonstruck Look’n For Some Aktion Aktion’s War Machine Wildstarrs Oreo
Wimaru’s Inquisitive Mind
Moonstruck Lights, Camera, Aktion North Star’s Duke of Earl V. Calamar
Moonstruck’s I’m Peeking At You
This pedigree was generated by http://www.sbtpedigree.com/dogarchive3